On-demand webinar

Learn more about Point-of-Sale finance and the launch of Enable’s DTM program

Learn more about Point-of-Sale finance and the launch of Enable’s DTM program


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It’s finally here…
Enable’s DTM program is officially live!

You might be sensing that we’re excited. Well, that’s because we are.

Over the past several months, we’ve been quietly building out our direct-to-merchant (DTM) lending program and we gotta be honest, it was a lot more work than we initially thought. But in the end, the results are exactly what we expected. And what we’re now left with is a superior multi-lender platform that’s specifically built around the needs of partners, with multiple lender ecosystems allowing every merchant to qualify for POS finance.

If you’ve been looking for a new revenue pillar to deploy to your existing merchants, this is your wake up call.

On this webinar you’ll learn:


Derek Barclay
Founder & CEO Enable


At Enable, our mission is to democratize access to point-of-sale lending. Whether that be for lenders, borrowers, merchants or partners, our mission is to provide access to point-of-sale financing in new and thoughtful ways. By integrating multiple lenders into one streamlined application, Enable empowers merchants to confidently offer financing to their customers when they need help closing a high-ticket purchase.

Built from the ground up to be white-labeled, Enable’s technology can be branded as your own without any of the heavy lifting. We integrate the lenders, build the technology, develop the APIs and handle all security and compliance. You brand the platform as your own and launch a new profit center in days. But Enable is more than just technology, we’re the only company in point-of-sale lending that exclusively focuses on reseller success and the only comprehensive reseller offering including technology, sales, support, marketing and strategy consulting.